Meditate with Alix

Photo: Dahlia Katz

walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet - Thích Nhãt Hanh

I am an intuitive body/spirit worker, helping one channel a clearer connection to one’s soulful self through presence and deep somatic exploration. I offer a gentle environment for one’s expansion, assisting in the releasing of any stuck energies that may be housed in the body and encouraging the understanding of one's wholeness.

My life principles point to kindness, transparency, playfulness, a deep respect for our planet, and a calling to uplift the beings that inhabit it.  

Open to all bodies. No experience with movement is necessary.

Ongoing Meditations:

  • Weekly Meditations

    for anyone desiring some grounding during this destabilizing time. if you feel called to sit in stillness, kindness, silence, and community, please join our heart circle.

    sitting together and breathing.

    for 15 minutes. * free

  • Guided Meditations

    for anyone desiring a bit more guidance in their meditations. sitting in loving community, alix offers guided meditations, helping you build some vocabulary around the practice of presence.

    different guided meditations every week.

  • Embodied Meditations (Series)

    • Embodying Love Series

      • for anyone desiring a more somatic approach to releasing stuck energy and sourcing their light. this embodied meditation practice leaves you feeling more whole, more engaged with your essence, and more in tune with your love presence. We meditate on the different kinds of love every week: Philautia, Philia, Eros, Ludus, Storge/Pragma, Agape.

  • Embodied Meditations (weekly drop in)

    helping the body remember its expansive nature, helping you feel a bit more clear, a bit more tapped into your wingspan, offering a resilience activation, a fusion between contemporary somatics and spiritual based practices

    no experience necessary. just a love for the present moment, a curiosity about body presence, and a desire to let go.

  • Waterwork

    waterwork is a movement language building a sense of fluidity and play in the body. it raises one’s physical awareness, it’s restorative, and also invigorating. an all around freeing experience. relish in all the pleasure that movement brings.

  • Radiant Flow with Alix and Lana:
    An Embodied Meditation Fusing Sound, Yoga, and Intuitive Movement

    two hours of movement, stillness and tapping into the light within and around us. our time togther includes guided meditation, soulful yoga flows, vocal toning and mantra, and deep rest. play, deconstruct, and feel into what you need.

  • The Big Hug

    a place for collective, loving breath. Uniting hearts in community with intent to heal. sit, be still, and listen. with as much love as we can muster, creating a magnetic field of kindness, peace and healing. sitting in silence, together, across the Globe. 


  • Earth Meditation: Gatherings that provide a moment to listen and an intent to heal. In partnership with The Wait.

  • The Wait - a monthly global meditation for generative healing.

Loving Words From Participants:

“Alix Sideris is one of the most conscious, attuned, kind hearted people I know. She has a wonderful ability to guide others to tune into their body, beyond physicality. When I met her, as someone who had been training as a dancer for years, I was used to paying close attention to my body, how it felt, how it moved, when it moved differently than usual. Alix is the one who taught me to be kind and soft to my body, notice how it holds me, and how to open up and listen to what it is trying to tell me on a deeper level. Through Alix’s aware and genuine guidance, her soothing and focused meditations, she helped me to know what it is to really listen to not only my body, but my raw self. Coming out of one of Alix’s meditations, is coming out of a safe space, understanding a little more that all that you are is connected to everything and everyone else around you, and knowing that that is a gift.” - Hannah Gammon

“Sometimes you enter a workshop and it just feels right. With Alix as a guide, I feel that way every single time.” - Nancy Kenny

“Alix's meditations offer a deeply nourishing space to connect with my intuition and my body. There is a beautiful balance of structure and space to explore in her workshops. If you want to remind yourself of how expansive we can feel in our hearts and bodies, I recommend working with Alix. She is a wise, discerning teacher who will encourage you to both take risks, and to hold yourself tenderly, with compassion.” - Lana Sugarman

“I have participated in multiple types of embodied meditations guided by Alix Sideris over a number of years, and though each has been a unique experience, each has been transformative. Despite the different themes and purposes of each session, they all have Alix's voice in common, which has a cadence so trustworthy and warm that you'll let it carry you away. I would describe the meditations as exactly that, that feeling of being transported somewhere higher and lighter than everyday life. The best part is getting to carry that floating feeling through the rest of your day, approaching life with a gentler mental state and stronger heart. A newcomer can expect all this, as well as increased awareness of the magic/wonder of the world around them. I really can't say enough good things about it! Transporting and transformative.” - Madi Morelli

"During the COVID lockdown my father passed away and my own health deteriorated. In this time of loss and upheaval, I was profoundly grateful to have meditation sessions led by Alix Sideris. Alix's tremendous generosity is partnered with great clarity, and the environment immediately emerged as one of welcoming, warmth, growth, and healing for all. Even in an online setting, this was instantly palpable. I was able to find the peace I needed to take each step at a time and continue to find openness and connection in an emotionally challenging period. I would unreservedly recommend Alix's sessions to anyone who senses the need to cultivate greater presence in their lives."   - Colin Bruce

During a dark time in my life, Alix was like a candle in a window. During lockdown, in the height of covid 19, Alix graciously gave of her time and offered an online meditation class every Wednesday. It was a lifeline for me. I would look forward to that class every week. Alix is a gifted orator, massive creator, with a generous heart and fierce intellect. With these tools she is able to create magic. A container where one feels safe, brave, comfortable, to let go and sit with what lies inside. If you have an opportunity to participate in any of her offerings, I would consider you very lucky indeed. - Christianna Burke

“Thank you for your beautifully guided Embodied Love Meditations. The time I invested in myself, and facilitated gracefully by you, set me back on track for a healthy and Love Filled Life. I am grateful to have benefited from your meditations. Much love, and very best wishes on your future adventures” - Kathi Langston

“I recently completed the Waterworks series this autumn.  I had not partaken in a non-fitness movement or dance class since my days at Concordia University, and I found it most freeing and approachable.  The range and type of movement I experienced alleviated some chronic neck issues I have suffered from a whiplash injury incurred from being rear-ended twice. I would absolutely recommend your series to all and sundry!” - Patricia Fell